Group Training Association

Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Lorry Loader Training (HIAB Training)
Lorry loader training teaches drivers to load goods on and off a vehicle or trailer bed, to which the lorry loader is attached. A Lorry Loader Course can be delivered on GTA’s site or a customer’s site (enquire to get a quote).
Lorry mounted loaders usually draw from the lorry’s engine to power the hydraulic pump. Candidates on this training course will learn the safe and responsible way to operate and gain a thorough knowledge of the lorry loaders operation.
What will you learn?
Health and Safety at Work Act.
Basic hydraulic systems.
Daily safety checks.
Hydraulic controls including remote control.
Responsibility of the operator.
Safe operating procedures and practices.
Safe working loads.
Stability of the load and vehicle.
Safety devices.
Site/highway safety.
Equipment information
All courses are accredited by the RTITB using our qualified RTITB instructors.
Duration and cost:
Duration: 3 days
Cost: £409 per candidate
Experienced operator without certification
Duration: 2 Days
Cost: £315 per candidate
Duration: 1 Day
Cost: £252 per candidate
*Prices may change at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.