Group Training Association

What will you learn
We provide learners of this qualification the knowledge and skills that will be required to work safely on Electric and Hybrid vehicles, whilst carrying out routine maintenance activities and repairs (Not High Voltage components or systems). This however may include vehicles which have, either may or do have damage to their High Energy/Electrical system.
This qualification contains one mandatory unit which covers the knowledge of:
Electric/Hybrid vehicle system components and operation.
The hazards surrounding Electric/Hybrid vehicles.
How to reduce the risks to yourself and others when working on Electric/Hybrid vehicles.
How to safely prepare an Electric/Hybrid vehicle when carrying routine maintenance (Not on High Voltage components or systems).
This qualification is designed for people who may encounter Electric/Hybrid vehicles within a routine maintenance situation. Also containing the knowledge and skills required to work safely around a vehicle that may have had damage to its High Energy/Electrical system.
Qual Ref: 603/1466/7
Duration and Cost
Duration: 2 days
Cost: £367 per person
*Prices may change at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.

What will you learn
We provide learners of this qualification the knowledge and skills required to work safely on Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out diagnostic, testing and repair activities. This may include vehicles that may have or had damage to their high energy/electrical system.
This qualification contains two mandatory units, EV2.2 and EV3.
EV2.2 will cover the skills and knowledge from the Level 2 Award in Electric/Hybrid Vehicles Routine Maintenance Activities and EV3 will cover skills in:
Working safely on an Electric/Hybrid vehicle.
Using the correct information to carry out the task.
Carrying out repairs on high energy electrical systems.
Recording information and making suitable recommendations.
This qualification is designed for those people who may encounter electric/hybrid vehicles within a routine maintenance situation. It also contains the knowledge and skills required to work safely around a vehicle that may have had damage to its high energy/electrical system. Along with gaining the knowledge to work safely when carrying out repair activities on Electric/Hybrid vehicle High Voltage systems.
Qual Ref: 603/1468/0
Duration and Cost
Duration: To Be Confirmed
Cost: To Be Confirmed
*Prices may change at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.

What will you learn
This qualification contains the knowledge of the dangers surrounding repairs carried out to live high voltage vehicle electrical components and systems. The purpose and aim of this qualification is to provide technicians working on electric/ hybrid vehicles with the required level of skills and knowledge to carry out repairs on live high voltage vehicle electrical components and systems safely.
We provide learners of this qualification the essential health and safety of individuals working on Electric/Hybrid vehicles. On completion of this qualification technicians will be able to practically demonstrate that they have the skills required for repairing High Voltage vehicle systems and components.
This qualification is designed for technicians who maintain and repair Electric/Hybrid high voltage vehicle systems and components. It contains the knowledge and skills required to work on live high voltage vehicle electrical components and associated systems.
You must have the Level 3 Electric/Hybrid Vehicle qualification and be willing to complete an assignment in order to complete this course.
Qual ref: 610/0975/1
Duration and cost
Duration: To Be Confirmed.
Cost: To Be Confirmed.
*Prices may change at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.