Group Training Association

ADR for drivers
If you drive a vehicle carrying over the transport threshold of dangerous goods then you must, by law, hold an ADR licence. The ADR licence is part of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
ADR drivers qualification card valid for 5 years
What will you learn
The 5-day course is for initial qualifications for drivers new to the industry.
Core which every driver must do.
Covers tanks and/or packages.
Hazard classes 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 (Learners can choose which ones they require).
3-day refresher*
Core which every driver must do.
Covers tanks and/or packages.
Hazard classes 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 (Drivers can choose which ones they require).
Duration and Cost
Full ADR (Core, Tanks, Packages, All classes except 1 & 7)
Duration: 5 days
Cost: £577 per candidate
Core, Tanks, All classes (except 1 & 7)
Duration: 4.5 days
Cost: £525 per candidate
Core, Packages, All classes (except 1 & 7)
Duration: 4 days
Cost: £472 per candidate
Duration: 3 days
Cost: £252 + £21 per exam/module
* To be eligible for an ADR refresher course your current ADR certificate must have at least 6 weeks left of validity from the exam date of the course.
**Prices may change at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.
DGSA (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor)
A Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) is a person who is certified to provide advice to organisational activities that include the carriage, or the related packing, loading, filling or unloading of dangerous goods.
DGSA Certificate issued by the SQA valid for 5 years.
What will you learn*
Duration and Cost
*Candidates also need the latest ADR Volumes I & II
**Exams booked independently with SQA.

High intensive course**
Duration: 5 days
Cost: £735 per candidate
5-day high intensive classroom course.
3 exams designed for people to be in charge of the movement of dangerous goods by road. (Core, All Classes & Road).